Out of stock Springfield 1911 DS 17 Round Double-Stack Magazine - 9mm #PH6917 Springfield Armory $39.99
Out of stock Springfield 1911 DS 20 Round Double-Stack Magazine - 9mm #PH6920 Springfield Armory $39.99
Out of stock Springfield 1911 DS 26 Round Double-Stack Magazine - 9mm #PH6926 Springfield Armory $39.99
Out of stock Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy 4.25" AOS 9mm Handgun #PH9117AOS Springfield Armory $1,349.99
Only 1 left in stock Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy Comp AOS 9mm - Low Capacity #PH9119AOSLCCOMP Springfield Armory $1,449.99
Only 1 left in stock Springfield 1911 Emissary 4.25" .45 ACP Handgun #PX9218L Springfield Armory $1,199.99