- 12 cartridges, 120 rounds of ammunition = 10ยข a shot!
- Powered by non-toxic, ordinary sodium (Na)
- ONLY compatible with BUG-A-SALT SHRED-ER
- Non reusable, please recycle plastic when spent
- Wear safety glasses for your protection during operation
- Do not attempt to modify or service this product & contact us directly for assistance.
- Cheaper than a pack of cigarettes... healthier too!
- Recommended to eliminate pests including: Giant Roaches/Waterbugs, Murder Hornets, Carpenter Bees, Centipedes, Scorpions, Giant biting spiders such Banana or Joro, Locusts, Potato Beetles, Squash Bugs, Tomato/Hornworms, and Lantern Flies.
- NOT Compatible with BUG-A-SALT 3.0 or 2.5!